X-Men Apocalypse: Review

I’ve seen a lot of people talking badly about the film. That Bryan Singer would stay away from the franchise, and other things.

To be honest, the film does have some problems, but that doesn’t make it a bad movie. The Force Awakens has problems, but isn’t a bad movie. At the heart of the matter, the movie was a decent film, and a much better X-men film than some of the other X-men movies.

I had fun in it, and it felt like an X-men comic, and the characters where treated as if they were X-men characters in a fight. I’ll admit that the movie went too big to follow up Days of Future Past, but it was a decent follow up. Where I would fault the movie, is that it didn’t focus too much on the personal reasons for Magneto wanting to be a Horseman, or Mystic for wanting to stop them. It could have been much more personal and that would have made the stakes that much higher for the both of them.

The cinematography was pretty decent, and focused on stuff that mattered, and the set design was fantastic. Where I would fault the movie the most, was a forced Wolverine cameo that was kind of just there to kill time before the final fight scene.

I give it a 3 out of 5.

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